
We offer a range of dermatology treatments for your pet, we treat the following dermatology and skin issues:

bulldog dermatology

When a pets skin is cut or wounded, there is an increased risk of infection. Illness and lowered immune systems can also leave your dog susceptible to Pyoderma (Pyoderma refers to an infection of the skin and can be bacterial, fungal or parasitic).


  • Itchiness
  • Reddened skin
  • Pustules
  • Crusted skin
  • Small, raised lesions
  • Loss of hair (alopecia)
  • Dried discharge


Pyoderma often has an underlying cause like allergies or hypothyroidism, among other possibilities. Your pet may then bite or scratch at the area, which damages the skin and leaves it open for a pyoderma infection to form.

While this skin infection can occur in any breed, there are a few types that are predisposed to developing pyoderma including: Bulldogs, Mastiffs, French Bulldogs, Sharpeis and many other breeds with ‘excess’ skin.


Since Pyoderma could be a bacterial infection, treatment of most types of pyoderma require a course of antibiotics. However, due to Pyoderma typically being a secondary infection, it is important that we determine the root cause of the problem.

Skin disease is one of the most common complaints we receive. The skin is the largest organ in the body and unlike other internal organs this organ can be visualised. There are a number of different types of skin disease, luckily, we are equipped with a full in-house laboratory and are able to diagnose and treat them quickly.


  • Itching
  • Red papules (spots)
  • Red raised areas of skin and/or scratch marks
  • A moist yellow discharge on the skin
  • Yellow pustules (infected spots)
  • Inflammation or discharge from the ears
  • Excessive licking
  • Vomiting, diarrhoea and weight loss


There a breadth of factors that could cause Allergic skin
disease, such as:-

  • Flea allergies
  • Food allergies
  • Pollen allergies
  • Food mites and mould allergies
  • Immune system disease


The treatment will very much depend on the root cause of the symptoms, your vet may suggest some of the following methods of treatment.

  • Clipping and cleaning the areas
  • Antiseptic or Antifungal wash
  • Antibiotics
  • Change of diet
  • Tick or flea treatment
  • Steroids

Alopecia, or hair loss in pets, is caused by diseases and conditions that affect the health of your pets coat, from the skin down to the hair follicles. There are over fifty known conditions that can cause hair loss in pets, so it is pivotal that we determine which one is causing the alopecia, so as we can create an effective treatment plan.


  • Noticeable hair loss
  • Skin changes such as redness, dry skin, inflammation to name a few.
  • Irritation of the skin; Scratching, biting, licking or chewing of their skin.


  • Parasitic
  • Allergic Reaction
  • Hormonal and Endocrine imbalances
  • Bacterial or Fungal infections
  • One of the most common origins of hair loss in pets can be mange

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