
Learn about our surgery procedures

Our surgery is equipped with high tech anaesthetic and monitoring equipment for surgical procedures. We have some of the most comprehensive and up to date equipment in a non-referral veterinary practice.

Most common elective dog surgery procedures include:

  • Spay 
  • Neuter 
  • Dental 
  • Growth removal 

Some of the surgeries we perform here are:


  • ACL repair (Lateral Suture) 
  • Medial patellar luxation (MPL) 
  • Cruciate ACL  
  • X-ray diagnostics
  • Referral to specialist as and when required
  • Tail Amputation (Screw Tail)

Soft Tissue:-

  • TECA (Total ear canal ablation) 
  • Foreign Body removal
  • Wound Reconstruction
  • Hernia correction 
  • Aural Hematoma
  • Splenectomy
  • Mass removal
  • Caesarean sections
  • Entropion

To name a few…

Check out our offers page to see our fixed price procedures and offers.

Preparing your pet for surgery:

My Animal is coming in for a surgical procedure, what should I expect?

  • Your pet should have been given no food from 8pm last night and water taken away from 2hours prior to your appointment.
  • They should have been given ample opportunity to relieve themselves before coming into the practice. There is grassed areas outside if they haven’t
  • Due to the unknown please bear in mind that emergencies can walk through the door at any given moment and we have to prioritise. This means that your pet may be with us anything from 2hours to 8hours. It depends on what comes through that door. Please understand that we will do everything in our power to get them back to you as soon as they are ready. Their safety and wellbeing is our priority.
  • If you are unsure of anything to do with the procedure, ask to speak to the vet or one of the nurses to discuss your questions or concerns, we want you to know exactly what is going on.
  • We offer pre-anaesthetic blood tests on the day of the surgery for £80. This is for ours and your pets benefit. It is optional, of course but this is just a brief reasoning why we offer. If your animal needed any medications in the next 6 months that may affect their organs it means we can revert to these blood results to ensure safe prescribing. It also means that if we are operating and any of your pets organs are slightly compromised, we can use alternative anaesthesia protocols to compensate for this which is safer for them. It gives us mainly liver and kidney function readings, which is how the anaesthetic is broken down and excreted from the body, so can be very useful for both us and your pet. If your pet came in unwell though and blood tests were offered due to find the right diagnosis these would be different as something may have happened between then and now so we would do a more detailed blood analysis. These cost more. We will advise you of costs at the time.
  • Please bear in mind that by law we have to have seen your pet within the last 6 months to be able to prescribe medications due to weight change etc. Some of these medications will require blood samples to be taken, again for safe prescribing.
  • If your pet is nervous of other animals or men/women, anything that can make it as stress free for them we want to know. Whilst in our care, your pets are our pets, and we want best for them
  • Please make sure that we have correct contact details for you so when they are ready to go home we can call you and get them back to you with no hiccups
  • If there is anything else you would like us to do whilst they are sleeping e.g nail clip or check something you may have felt, then ask at reception and they will add it on for you. Obviously, this may alter the price
  • If your pet is in for elbow/hip scoring or anything of official nature please make sure you have all the paperwork you need filled in and for us to fill in also so we can get it processed as soon as possible
  • If your animal is insured and you want to claim, please speak to your insurer first. We just submit the claim you ask for; they can give more details and advise on different ways to do this. Make sure it is also all filled in and the forms we need are with you and we will fill it in for you. This also includes direct claims as the insurer must authorise or we will be asking for the payment up front. There is a charge for submission of forms if done directly. Pre-authorised claims must be submitted 7 days prior to treatment.

If there are any parts you feel are not covered on here please contact us and we will do our best to provide you with the information you need.

dog in surgery

Noemi Vet with puppies at local Vets


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